Tuesday, May 02, 2006

The last couple of days have been pretty good. I did some shopping with family, e-mailed friends, and got replies back. The best letters came from New York and Greece. One of my friends in New York keeps up with me frequently, which is great considering her schedule of opera rehearsals and such. I found the letter from Greece to be cheerful too. A former professor of mine is visiting family there, and will be back at the university in the fall to teach again. Her top 3 languages are French, Greek, and English, and I have memories of studying all three under her.

My family is doing well this week too. Health issues are getting better, and that's always a plus. My acid reflux is kind of out of control at the moment, but I'm getting to where I can stand the pain now. After babysitting, I'm going to play with my iPod more, and see what other songs I want to convert to MP3 and wav files. I thank my friend Martin for giving me a link to the software in my e-mail. Now I can take any CD I own, and make it compatible for the iPod. This will come in handy for road trips this summer, or for anything else I have coming up where I'll want to take music along.

This weekend will be a quiet one as my parents pack for Florida. I've learned to take life one day at a time around here. It's nice when you can view life from that perspective. I hope everyone is doing well, and I'll post again soon. Keeping up with two journals is actually fun. There are things in this one that aren't in the other for various reasons. But it's still neat to play around and see what kinds of things I can do.

More later...I'm going to work on Spanish now. The cool thing is, I am getting to where I can do more translating than I used to. Fun!

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