Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Today is officially the end of February. We applied for Social Security, and the process went well. I will appeal if denied, and just hope for the best. In the meantime, March is looking good. Tomorrow I have PT, Friday is an off day, and Saturday, Brian and I are hanging out. Next week and those following are full of PT. I also have two other appointments to handle too, but those won't be too bad, or conflict with anything else. Calendars are awesome. See you tomorrow, March 1st!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You will never believe a word of this...

But I was reading your Livejournal community post that was in "add a writer" and, well...

My name is Suzanne, I have also been diagnosed with a mild form of cb, they didn't believe I was going to live when I was born, let alone walk or run, I'm very interested in Psychology and foreign languages, I like to read and write very much, although I have been very dormant concerning that....

I just thought that maybe...I don't know what I thought.
I don't actually have most of my writings, as my computer failed some time ago.
But the headline of the community did say "...find a writer like you"

If you are interested, my lj name is metalgirl113 or you can email me at

Thank you very much for your time