Saturday, June 27, 2009

Wow! Susana is going to stay in Fawn Ridge Apartments because her control freak world of people can't stop her! Soon family will leave Spring to move south to be near my older siblings in Katy and Sugar Land and I DECLINED the move, so I am staying put! Transportation is here anyway, and doctors can be arranged after the Medicare Disability fight ends. We may go to court in late summer for appeal hearing and for now, slow comeback with Cymbalta permanent damage to Susana's body and brain the CP/DID endured. Damn......lots of complex stuff here. Eyes, brain and memory short term issues, overall muscles and walking impaired now with walker and cane, dizziness, etc. and what the FRAK happened? My OBGYN CHEWED OUT the clinic Staff FRIDAY! WOW! Boom Boom POW President Obama! We have Reform up here in Conroe for Medicaid and I HOPE Medicare is going to follow suit! WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Susana is SAFE! Here she comes Fawn Ridge! New Baclofen Doctor in Houston for now....2 in practice helping each other out! Nice! Conroe has one too. No problem! The database for doctors is HUGE in TX, any city or town all over the State! Dude. Who knew 3 phone calls later, I am on my way to hopefully getting stable. Surgery may be possible if the catheter is damaged because it's all implanted in the abdomen and wrapped around my spinal cord with the catheter and wires. Chris Reeve anyone?????? I could be paralyzed with one wrong move here ya'll. NOT GOOD, but Chris is fighting like heck for me, not to mention Scott, Jade, Matt, Mattie, and others who LOVE me UNCONDITIONALLY in JUNE SKY with Angelina, Brad, the kiddos, NOLA, and Miss Tina Turner, Beyonce, Idina Menzel, RENT cast of 1996 and 2005, my NY peeps David and Brent with Craps for Guys and this Doll, and DANCE with all kinds of Theater. Whee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This Diva's back on stage baby let's have fun!!!!!! I am so jazzed! This all went down Friday. Daaamn.....Jesse L. Martin is hot in his new series on TV this summer. RENT cast members are burning up screens all over the place! Wow!

And yes, my 5 year old niece loves Elsie the cow....MOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We drink the sweetest milk we've ever tasted EVERY DAY! Halla! :P :} And Susana and the wee one are BRAVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She's a gal who beat the odds when her family left her to go drug up and drink, and she's a fighter! Just like her Auntie! WHEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And we don't Stand Alone! We can give you Perfume and Promises for the first day of the rest of our lives! YES YES YES We CAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ji Ho! Victory! Slumdog Millionaire and SImply The BEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Travelin' Light now. This Queen Diva is ON the ROAD to Bohemia baby! RENT? LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! In DRAG yo! Love you Brent! We so need to do this Drag Queen Diva run the next time you are in town! Seriously yo! LOVE YOU and the PT persuit! I am HONORED! Bows to Mr. Smith.......Kisses his feet and Covers Him with 1,000 Kisses and No Baggage! Halla!

And to my ladies and Sandy, Joyce and Doc.....We are Gorgeous! Idina is a GEM! Chess In Concert is OUT now. I can't wait! She and Adam and Josh Groban are so brilliant in this lovely musical at the Royal Albert Hall in my gal's CP home of London as a rare lady. CP is less common in other countries. She's a gal who fights. And she's studying Italian in Italy for 10 months. It's required for her to go....unlike here where you choose to go. Nice! Miss Jessi is gonna be da bomb! She's so sweet and we Skype FREE with pal Dawn from Glasgow Scotland too! LOVE THAT!

Duffy and Amy MacDonald Rock! Check out their music because both were released here and Dawn mailed me her copy all the way from the UK. Very special. She and Jessi keep me going when America gets snooty with me....and without them, I'd be passed out on the floor. Michelle Love, Guam may be in the cards. I don't know what the days hold for you dear, but don't give up. Be like me. Don't give up with the wee one on the way because being a mommy will totally rock your life for the better. Meekey and I fight like hell still girl and we couldn't have won this fight without you! Hugs dear!

Jennilyn and Ryan......I am forever grateful to you two for being rocks when the shifting sands sink me low with health things. I'm Not Dead...Just Floating! Gotta keep Going Forward! Chris Reeve is my HERO. I lost most of my Disabled peeps in the last few years and feel so alone now.....but you two stand up and fight with me when all seems out of control. HUGS you guys! Susana may never be 300% again due to Cymbalta deadly reaction in the ER 3 times so far, but she's FIGHTING to LIVE! Refugee by Melissa Etheridge. I don't have to live like a REFUGEE! Indeed!

Doc and staff..... I am not sure just how well I can function on stages for community theater, but I think I can do some small things. We have to wait and see. CP and DID is shot out of a cannon. I am back, but damage to brain, bones, muscles, and such is so bad that my pain and stuff is off the charts! It's up a ton now....and symptom control is so fights with new symptoms like bleeding now have me very worried! No cures. It's like AIDS. Scary as Hell. We have more tests scheduled. And I am terrified. CAT scans to look at tissue. MRI scans and Bone scans and density tests from my hysterectomy 15 months ago.

Can Susana survive? Absolutely! But it's going to be VERY different. Noticed the drastic changes in 48 hours when Cymbalta took effect. Withdrawl like Mimi....and the body just said NO way! I feel like a 90 year old and I'm only 33.....and with the medical stuff now upped higher with this deadly mistake, I am horrified. Zero compensation! Wow. I can't stomach that at all guys!

I am not me anymore. It was like the Cymbalta sucked all the stuff out of me! I am looking dried out and such too because I can't get the nutrients to absorb and stay in blood and bones. Scary scary! We are hoping we can at least stablize me again at home. ER is packed! Wow.

Susana is going to keep fighting. People give her Hell, but she knows better. I see Hell as opportunity to keep moving on. Good, and bad. I am WHOLE now.

Much love peeps of the world!


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