Sunday, January 29, 2017


I have made a new discovery regarding Christine's sermon about truth.  I am in my early 40s now, and I am quickly learning that truth isn't always negative brutal honesty, pointing out my flaws.  Truth, in short, can also be a positive coin toss.  I am saying this because even though I wasn't in church this morning, she still gave me something to meditate on.  I am a writer.  I see her writing sermons in my head.  For it is this skill that we both share.  And it's within this skill, that we discover truths, whether they are orally shared, or the way of the Lord, from the Bible.

Truth for me today was about cheering my niece on during her second volleyball game.  Her team won 2 of 3 games.  She, like me, never gives up, or quits, even when losing.  Truth:  we both know it's hurtful when we lose, but at the same time, the truth is, we can grow from our losses.

Dad and I had tuna for lunch.  God told us that as we prepared the meal, that the sea would part for us to get our tuna.  Ha ha.  I am so excited about this weekend.  I did more work, and earned more in the process of growing while staying focused.  The sub companies have me wrapped around their finger. The last two days, I completed 2 90 minute surveys.  One was worth $10 for my travel expenses, and the newest one is worth $40.  The key is the length of the survey, and the commitment.  The topic is always the same.  Music.  No joke.  To my musically inclined and music career friends, I salute you!

What A Feeling!  This song is playing while I have down time.  As a dancer, I am always seeking new songs to choreograph.  At the same time, truth comes into play when God says it's okay to try new songs that my niece likes.  From Uptown Funk to Shut Up And Dance With Me, I am truthfully loving these hits.  The coolest part of dance is when I can do burpees and throw in yoga and PT moves.

One might think that it's crazy, but dance is less dangerous for me, and I can take my time.  I also truthfully discovered that walking is painful physically.  Dance, however, releases my pain.  It's also not progressive, so things can improve.

Medical truth:  I couldn't have SDR surgery as a girl, due to the fact that it is performed out of state.  My "twin" had it done because her parents were able to fly her to Denver, and rent a townhouse in Houston for her recovery.  She is now celebrating her 37th birthday March 26th.  I am November 26th.  I was born in 1975, and she in 1980.  If anyone can dance and appreciate music the way we do, we have accomplished our goal of educating others.  It's ongoing.

My Baclofen pump was implanted in 2006, and my second one March 3, 2013.  I have three years of device life before a replacement is due.  Like Selective Dorsal Ryzotomy, my Baclofen pump is also spinal surgery.  Google both if you want to learn more.

Aggieland is her hometown, born and raised, so I send out a Gig'Em and Whoop for her often.  Autism is on the front burner right now in America and worldwide.  It means my twin and I can relax with Spastic Diplegic Cerebral Palsy, because we aren't in the spotlight.  It means we can teach others, and not be on Facebook doing it.  In fact, she is offline, which meant I could send her a hand written letter in cursive, last year.  She got it.  Truth:  I can put the electronics down.  Most of you can't.  We prefer letters and visits.  See ya Facebook.

I am simply there to get updates from family.  They coerced me into getting an account.  It was not my choice.  Case closed.  I would rather live via my blogs, e-mails, and tweets because my Germany friends keep up with me this way.  Put down the tech.  Look into my eyes.  Look into the eyes of my twin.  We know life better than most of you.  Pick up a pen, paper, and phone.  Make an effort.  I have flown to Kansas and California to see friends back to back, two years in a row.  Excuse us, but if we can do it, so can you.  My twin helps me take a stand, and we march on our own.

You should try it.  It's exhilarating.  This, in closing, is a true challenge.

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