Today has been peaceful. Reflective. Parents never become anything else....they are always parents, no matter what. Any idiot who thinks or says otherwise to my face or via any other method will get their arse kicked from here to the moon, and back. Nuf said. Responisbility comes from these humans. Nuf said. If they don't, the childfren of all ages and stereotypes need to leave no matter what, because I speak on behalf of me and my own siblings. I would have left at 18 as soon as legally able. Seriously. Kiss my ass. Love and all that stuff is true. However, I still live here. I separate from the "marriage" and do my own stuff, be it chores, cooking, and such. I would be out if the govt. would give me the cash to move, get my stuff, and live well. No doubt. For those who think otherwise, again, kiss my arse. You have no idea how the love goes from love to hate in less than 5 minutes. Parents and kids suck more than they know. All of us do. It don't matter who raised ya.....they are responsible for you no matter how you got in the "family" and all that crap. Stop making atupid excuses for you, the parents, and all the societal idiots. Cuz in the end, it's on you and the morons who raised you.
Step up, the parents and family who you dream of, and don't effing blame my arse when you are responsible for the roles that you play. The media is having a field day frenzy in TX and all around with how the kids are to blame. For Columbine. For Virginia Tech. For shooting parents dead, for being killed by their parents. Enough already!!!!!!!!! And suicides????? Don't effing talk to me....I had one friend die from grade 6 all the way through college. Fuck that shit.
Fuck you if you blame the kids.....are you walking in their shoes??????? Hell no! I have seen it all in 33 effing years. All of it....and I don't sleep. Insread, my arse is in hospitals, on meds, and put through the wringer because the medical and mental health morons don't live to see this shit before they get me in the office. Fuck you. I have to say this....Hollywood and books may or may not be true. People make stuff, put it out for public folks like me, and we assume "based on a true story" or "memoir" means truth. Hell even Oprah has been duped! Fuck you......for taking publishers, movie goers, and the public through hell.....YOUR OWN HELL full of LIES.
My professor of Anthropology said it best. "When you enter my classes, do not believe anything that you see, read, hear, speak....because for all you may or may not be the real truth."
No shit. And Drs. call me shit bitch. Take my money, get my daddy in a shit fit, and fucking tell me off.....and I get screamed at shut up, go to my room, and hit by momma....and no one thinks it's abusive, cuz my fucking bruises and shit heal fast. Words hurt!!!!!! It's called Verbal Abuse, you effing morons!!!!!!!!!
At 33, with 67 year old parents, we are totally ape shit. Adults who can't co-exist!!!!!! Bring my nieces and other people in the house and you have WW3. No more. Not this year. And for the assholes who ask me "what will you do?????" When the assholes in America step up and give me my money, I'll fucking move out, live on, and tell the rest to fuck off. You have no idea. I am not the only responsible jackass on earth. We ALL have roles!!!!!!
I don't use CP and DID as EXCUSES.....I use them as tools to get out, off my ass, and I do shit. Don't like what I do????? That's on your soul, not mine. Own your shit. I embrace mine DAILY. And I don't need PEOPLE telling ME how to live MY LIFE. If you haven't seen this in person for 32-33 years, don't judge ME. Parents love pushing kids. Shoving, spanking, hitting, yelling, intimidating, and all that crap to make us feel bad cuz they won't face THIER shit.
IMPERFECTION is as much as disease as PERFECTION. I take my shit, and live well.
If Obama expects me to help him out, wake the Medical and Mental Health People up first. Show them what is really going on. Make real things be real. Let verbal pains be as bad as bruises on a body. Words are just as painful. And excuses to not take action, or taking action when the whole situation has not been analyzed, no way!!!!!!! Put the puzzle together first, then figure out what to do. Get all sides of the situation. Not just one or two. Family therapy is a damn oxy moron.
If people divorce and shit, they do it. If kids get hurt, they get hurt. If Columbine and Virginia Tech are just history events and nothing more, shoot me now......I can't fathom what will come next. I am sick.....absolutely think that finger pointing and blame hits me and my friends, at age 33 vs. when I was birth through 32! What the hell??????? Hell......fuck Hell. Hell is knowing assholes are going to judge me till I drop dead of natural causes. I plan to LIVE till those morons get their lives together for real. And if you think I am going to be famous or publish a book....moive, play.....WRONG. My life is MINE. A a blog, is a blog........duh!
Life is life is life is life.......LIVE YOURS! We are one thing in this new administration....HUMANS. We are all IMPERFECT. EMBRACE this. And leave the ANIMALS alone. They came first, and are the only ones who love UNCONDITONALLY. Humans can't do it. They try, but believe me, they can't.......something always trips me up. I'm weak. Who can admit this? I'm me. Gay, white, disabled, and single. Who can admit this? Or are you too good for it?
Cry? Yes I do. Rant, laugh, and shizz? Yes I do....and I have NO SHAME in it. Fear? Pain? Yes indeed. It makes me imperfect and human. Duh.
Friday, January 23, 2009
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1 comment:
sounds like you didn't have a good day? thinking of ya's
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