Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Today has been a good day so far. The three of us woke up and after breakfast, headed out to do some quick shopping. We got home, had lunch, and now, I plan to work on A Man's Fury. Other than my plays, my rooms in the house are looking good. Spring cleaning has paid off in a big way.

I'm a little concerned about a friend of mine though. I'm praying that whatever the situation is, she'll be okay soon. We haven't talked since Monday, and I'm just hanging back, leaving the door open in case she feels like talking. We hate to see friends or loved ones in trouble, but being there to listen is the best thing anyone can do.

The rest of the week should be good. Exercise and eating right are a plus, and everything else will fall into place around these things. I have basically given up on TV...there just isn't anything good on worth watching. So instead, I turn to music. The spectrum here is pretty wide. It just gives me more comfort than anything else.

I also plan to post some photos soon. It all depends on when I get my hands on the digital camera to put them up here.

There's more to come, so stay tuned! :-)

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