Tuesday, July 11, 2006

The weekend was good with my relatives here. My cousin and her friend took lots of pictures, and they went shopping with us at the mall and outdoor shops in Market Square. We ate lunch at Barry Hill there, and the girls really had a good time. I'm caught up on sleep and chores, slowly but surely, and I'm getting ready to tutor this week. My pain levels are out of control, but I'm still getting things done, which is a miracle. To stand up for chores like ironing really takes a toll on my legs. But I do what I need to in order to get that done. I had leftover fish for lunch today, and it was good. I also spent time with Mom after she came home from an errand that didn't get done. The errand has been moved to tomorrow, so I hope she and the kitty will be okay this time around.

Life is good here. This weekend we can really relax, and not worry about plans. We just have some birthday celebrating to do, but it won't be as strenuous as company from out of town.

This week and next week I work, and I'll hopefully get to see friends along the way too. That's always fun. More to come...I'm going to do a little cleaning this afternoon, and try to live with the pain that my legs and feet endure now daily. May the pain go away soon, and my spirit remain strong.

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