Thursday, April 27, 2006

This week has been great. My folks are now safe in Vegas, and I'm home doing a number of different things. Yesterday I went to see a neighbor about her computer (the hard drive crashed), and I got home around 6, had dinner and just relaxed after a nice warm shower. Today I slept in, made breakfast, tended to the kitties, did a load of laundry, and now, I'm going to hit the books for Spanish. We're supposed to get more crazy weather this weekend. A Pacific front is headed this way, and could bring severe weather for Saturday. I'll play those plans by ear. I'm supposed to go to Houston this weekend for a Japanese festival, and if the rain stops by morning, we'll be okay. Prior to the festival, the Daytime Emmy Awards are this Friday night. I love As The World Turns, and Jennifer Landon, daughter of the late Michael Landon, has a starring role here and a three year contract. Just in case you don't remember her father, Michael Landon starred in Little House On The Prarie. I'm showing my age at this point. Ha ha!

More later...I'm going to see if the kitties are asleep, and catch Ellen on TV. Then I'm going to have lunch, and look at my To Do list again. :-)

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